With lifestyle shoot you have the possibility of changing outfits, accessories to have a variety of photos and customize the shoot to suit your lifestyle, we will be focusing on your style rather than the city so we will go locations that will bring your style to the photos like streets, cafes, shooting indoor at a hotel room or studio.
Receiving all Original Photos within 24 - 48 hours
Receiving Edited Photos within 20 Days
Every Package Includes
1 hour professional photo shoot. Unlimited number of Photos. Multiple locations. 10 Edited photos. Receiving all photos taken during the shoot.
2 hours professional photo shoot. Unlimited locations 20 Edited photos. Unlimited number of Outfit change. Receiving all photos taken during the shoot.
3 hours professional photo shoot. 30 Edited photos. Unlimited number of Photos. Unlimited number of Outfit change. Unlimited locations. Receiving all photos taken during the shoot.